Can’t sleep at night because the hacker bogeyman is under your bed?
You are right to be concerned about the current threats. Ransomware is on the increase. Phishing emails regularly appear in your inbox. Dealing with spam is a constant process. Always in the back of your mind you are asking “How secure are my systems?”
Be assured it doesn’t have to be like that. There’s plenty of support for you.
Managed Services Providers
This article is about Managed Services Providers (MSPs) and what they can do for you – in particular, providing Managed Security. Managed Security is the hassle-free way to keep your business safe from cyberattacks.
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to IT security. Are you and your staff skilled in its implementation? How can we keep watch on it 24 hours a day? Is our anti-virus and encryption software up-to-date? And how much does all this cost?
Managing the risks
Managing IT security risks and ensuring you are compliant with managing your data and that of your clients could be a full-time job if you wanted to do it properly. For example, have you ever heard of compliance standards such as GDPR and PCI? We think you’re already working hard enough as it is, so there’s cybersecurity experts to take the load off you while you focus on growing your business.
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (“The Cybersecurity Workforce Gap”, 2019), 82% of businesses report a shortage of cybersecurity skills. And according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“The Need for Greater Focus on the Cybersecurity Challenges Facing Small and Midsize Businesses”, 2015), 60% small to medium enterprises that are hacked go out of business within 6 months.
Remote workers
There’s also now the increase in employees working remotely. How can you be sure that their computers, phones and laptops are secure? These have now become endpoints of your own IT environment. How about the network that they use to connect to the office?
The solution
That’s where companies like us, Adaptive Computer Services, come into the picture. We can:
- Help you meet compliance requirements
- Set up protection against the loss of your data
- Build systems for protection against ransomware
- Lock down both your office and home-based servers, computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones using cloud-based solutions
- Securely connect remote employees
- Configure proper filtering of spam, phishing emails and virus threats
- Train your staff in cybersecurity awareness
Managed Services Providers and specialist security firms – your perfect partners
We use the services of companies that are 100% focused on data security. These companies use vast resources to keep up (literally, to-the-minute) with the latest threats. The latest exploits can be very quickly counteracted using cloud-based systems to update your devices wherever they may be. Firewalls are another important part of a security strategy. They are your castle walls in your business, keeping out the constant barrage of attacks that occur.
If you know that you need to do more to protect your data, but you think this sounds expensive, think again. There are budget-friendly solutions and you can pay by the month.
Our security provider partner of choice is Sophos. They are experts in the field, and their new Managed Detection and Response (MDR) product is a class leader. We work with Sophos to get you set up securely, then we and Sophos can monitor closely what is happening with your systems. You can read more about Sophos.